UK Airports & Airfields: A Spotter’s Guide



UK Airports & Airfields: A Spotter’s Guide

Year : 2000
BookType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781853109782

Language– English

UK Airports & Airfields: A Spotter’s Guide by TIM LAMING.

This directory includes the major military and civilian airports and airfields and many smaller sites that could be of interest. Each entry includes an outline map, showing runways, buildings and taxiways. Runway lengths, radio frequencies, opening hours and telephone numbers are also listed.

This directory has been written for aviation enthusiasts, spotters and photographers. It includes the major military and civilian airports and airfields and many smaller sites that could be of interest.

Ninety major and over one hundred smaller airfields are listed in alphabetical order. Each entry includes

an outline map including runways,buildings and taxiways. Runway lengths, radio frequencies, opening hours and telephone numbers are also clearly listed.

Notes give a background to the airfields activities and indicate the types of aircraft that are likely to be seen. Wherever possible recommend viewing spots are indicated and a precise map reference is given to aid location.

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