Intake Aerodynamics



Intake Aerodynamics

Author : J. Seddon
Year : 1985
BookType : Hardcover
ISBN : 9780003830484

Language- English

Intake Aerodynamics First edition by J. Seddon


Intake Aerodynamics

This book provides a comprehensive, practical treatment of aerodynamics of supersonic intakes in both civil and military types of aircraft. The problems of both internal and external airflow are investigated. Simple mathematics are used only in analysis, and emphasis is placed on giving a physical picture of the flow, often with the aid of illustrations.This book – the first of its kind – covers ab initio the aerodynamics of subsonic and supersonic intakes in civil and military types of aircraft. The problems of both internal and external airflow are investigated. The contents and style of presentation will have a wide appeal. The emphasis throughout is on understanding the fluid mechanics of the process and the effect they have on the problems involved. Simple mathematics are used in analysis, and stress is placed on giving a physical picture of the flow, aided throughout by numerous illustrations.

This book provides, for the first time, the distilled experience of authors who have been closely involved in design of air intakes for both airframe and engine manufacturers. Much valuable data from systematic experimental measurements on intakes for missiles, combat, and V/STOL aircraft from research sources in the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and Germany are included, together with the latest developments in computational fluid dynamics applied to air intakes.