Flying High in a Competitive Industry



Flying High in a Competitive Industry: Cost-Effective Service Excellence at Singapore Airlines

Author : Loizos Heracleous,Jochen Wirtz,Nitin Pangarkar
Year : 2006
BookType : Hardback
Pages : 217
ISBN : 0071249648

Flying High in a Competitive Industry (English) by Loizos Heracleous,Jochen Wirtz,Nitin Pangarkar.


Flying High in a Competitive Industry

Flying High in a Competitive Industry begins with an analysis of the airline industry and its key trends, moving on to a broad outline of SIA’s strategic drivers of success. Empirical research was conducted at SIA to gain a deeper understanding of its strategy, core competencies and internal organization, innovation processes, and human resource practices, in order to distill strategy lessons that can inform the strategies of any organization competing in intensely competitive industries.

About Author

Loizos Heracleous

Loizos Heracleous is an Official Fellow of Templeton College, Oxford University, specializing in strategy and organization. He lived and worked in Asia for eight years, in his previous post as associate professor of corporate strategy at the National University of Singapore, Loizos earned his Ph.D. at the Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge.

Jochen Wirtz

Jochen Wirtz is one of the leading authorities in services marketing in Asia. He is an associate Professor of Marketing at the National University of Singapore, where he teaches services marketing in MBA and executive programmes. He is also the co-director of the UCLA-NUS Executive MBA Programme, NUS’s dual degree programme with UCLA.

Nitin Pangarkar

Nitin Pangarkar is Associate Professor of Business Policy at the NUS Business School. Previously, he held academic positions at the University of Minnesota (USA) and the Helsinki School of Economics (Finland). His research interests lie in the areas of strategic management and international business specifically cross-border strategic alliances and global strategy.



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