A&P Technician Powerplant Student Workbook



A&P Technician Powerplant Student Workbook

Author : Jeppesen
Year : 1998
BookType : Paperback
Pages : 268
ISBN : 9780884872436

Language– English

A&P Technician Powerplant Student Workbook- Jeppesen.


Enhance your knowledge with our comprehensive text that exceeds FAR part 147 standards. Color illustrations, charts and diagrams, end of section quizzes and summary checklists make tough concepts easier to grasp.

A&P Technician Power plant Workbook is not only an essential learning tool for students studying to become A&P technicians,but it also a valuable training aid for instruction.

Features Jeppesen’s A&P Technician Power plant Textbook is an essential tool for successful aircraft maintenance. Not only does it provide the fundamentals for the student studying to become a certificated aviation maintenance technician. But it also serves as an excellent resource for the experienced maintenance professional.

This thoroughly revised, expanded, and updated edition fully integrates practical A&P power plant skills with theory of the A&P general topic areas. It includes a wealth of colored illustrations and examples to help maximize the most from your study efforts. Each section includes comprehensive exercises that check the understanding of the material. The textbook introduces the fundamental concepts, terms and procedures that are the foundation of the more complex material that will be encountered in later maintenance training.

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