Airlines: Managing to Make Money



Airlines: Managing to Make Money

Author : Stephen Holloway
Year : 2002
BookType : Hardback
Pages : 436
ISBN : 9780754615583

Airlines: Managing to Make Money (English) by Stephen Holloway.


Airlines: Managing to Make Money

Drawing on developments in the services management, strategic management and brand management literature. this book presents critical new approaches to developing customer-centered airline strategies. Designed for a wide audience of aviation management students and professionals. it acts as a “linking text”, structured around services management approaches to strategy, marketing, human resources management, and operations. Written in an accessible and practical style, it contains a blend of “ten-minute manager”-type checklists and comprehensive academic principles. It draws together a broad range of knowledge from contemporary management fields to produce a framework specifically relevant to the airline industry.


1. Strategic Service Management: What is Meant by’Strategic’?
What is strategy? 1
The strategy-making process 5
The content of strategy 12
Summary 19
2. Competitive Advantage
Definition and sources of competitive advantage 23
The rest of the book 55
Summary 58
3. Competitive Scope and the Service Concept
Identification and segmentation of available markets 64
The competitive scope decision 76
The service concept 87
Summary 101
4. Designing the Service-Price Offer
The distinguishing characteristics of services 111
Service design: competitive strategy in action 119
The elements of service design 123
The service design and development process 127
Price 139
The service-price offer 143
Bridging the perceptions gap 145
Summary 148
5. Service Attributes
Passenger airline service attributes 152
Service processes 158
Service encounters 164
Servicescapes 178
Conclusion 184
6. Managing Communications
Brand identity and image revisited 185
Communication objectives 205
External communications: customers 210
External communications: other stakeholders 221
Internal communications 223
Development of an integrated communications programme 228
Conclusion 232
7. Managing Service Delivery
Processes 235
Resources, tasks, and activities 249
Organizational architecture 263
Conclusion 276
8. Managing Relationships
Stakeholder networks 279
Employee relationships 281
Customer relationships 299
Collaborative relationships 321
Conclusion 336
9. Managing Performance
Performance management systems 337
The micro-level: service failure and recovery 341
The macro-level: organizational performance as a whole 352
Conclusion 380
10. Change, Creativity, and Innovation
Change 383
Creativity 391
Innovation 392
Conclusion 401
References 403
Index 423

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