Airline Operations & Scheduling, 2nd Edition



Airline Operations & Scheduling, 2nd Edition

Author : Massoud Bazargan
Year : 2010
BookType : Hardback
Pages : 302
ISBN : 9780754636168

Airline Operations & Scheduling, 2nd Edition (English) by Massoud Bazargan.


Airline Operations & Scheduling

Operations research techniques are extremely important tools for planning airline operations. However, much of the technical literature on airline optimization models is highly specialized and accessible only to a limited audience. Allied to this there is a concern among the operations research community that the materials offered in OR courses at MBA or senior undergraduate business level are too abstract, outdated, and at times irrelevant to today’s fast and dynamic airline industry.

  • Contents: Preface; Introduction; Part I Planning Optimization: Network flows and integer programming modes; Flight scheduling; Fleet assignment; Aircraft routing; Crew scheduling; Manpower planning. Part II Operations and Dispatch Optimization: Revenue management; Fuel management system; Airline irregular operations; Gate assignment; Aircraft boarding strategy. Part III Computational Complexity and Simulation: Computational complexity,heuristics and software; Start-up airline case study; Manpower maintenance planning; Aircraft tow-tugs; Runway capacity planning; Small aircraft transportation system (SATS); Index.

About Author

Massoud Bazargan is Associate Professor, Production/Operations Management & Operations Research at the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Manufacturing/Business Consultant. Previously he was Assistant Professor of Operations Research at the University of Western Sydney, School of Science & Technology, Australia and Research Fellow/ Assistant Professor, Industrial Technology at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He was also Founder and Chairman of an operations research & industrial engineering consulting firm in Iran.

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