Airline Operations and Scheduling, 2nd Edition



Airline Operations and Scheduling, 2nd Edition

Author : Massoud Bazargan
Year : 2010
BookType : Hardcover
Pages : 308
ISBN : 9780754679004

Airline Operations and Scheduling, 2nd Edition (English) by Massoud Bazargan.


Operations research techniques are extremely important tools for planning airline operations. However, much of the technical literature on airline optimization models is highly specialized and accessible only to a limited audience. Allied to this there is a concern among the operations research community that the materials offered in or courses at MBA or senior undergraduate business level are too abstract, outdated, and at times irrelevant to today’s fast and dynamic airline industry. This book demystifies the operations and scheduling environment, presenting simplified and easy-to-understand models, applied to straightforward and practical examples. After introducing the key issues confronting operations and scheduling within airlines, “Airline Operations and Scheduling” goes on to provide an objective review of the various optimization models adopted in practice. Each model provides airlines with efficient solutions to a range of scenarios, and is accompanied by case studies similar to those experienced by commercial airlines. Using unique source material and combining interviews with alumni working at operations and scheduling departments of various airlines, this solution-orientated approach has been used on many courses with outstanding feedback. As well as having been comprehensively updated, this second edition of Airline Operations and Scheduling adds new chapters on fuel management systems, baggage handling, aircraft maintenance planning and aircraft boarding strategies. The readership includes graduate and undergraduate business, management, transportation, and engineering students; airlines training and acquainting new recruits with operations planning and scheduling processes; general aviation, flight school, International Air Transport Association (IATA), and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) training course instructors; and, executive jet, chartered flight, air-cargo and package delivery companies, and airline consultants.

  • About the Author: Massoud Bazargan is Professor of Business at the Daytona Beach campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He earned his Ph.D. in Manufacturing Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Dr. Bazargan is chairman of the Department of Management, Marketing and Operations. He teaches production operations management, operations research, simulation, and optimization. His research interests include safety, operations management, optimization, simulation and scheduling. Dr. Bazargan has been involved in consulting and research projects with the Federal Aviation Administration, The Link Foundation and aviation firms such as Lockheed Martin and AirTran Airlines. Among the journals Dr. Bazargan has published within several academic journals, including the European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Air Transport Management and International Journal of Production Research.

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