Airline Business, 2nd Edition



Airline Business, 2nd Edition

Author : Rigas Doganis
Year : 2010
BookType : Paperback
Pages : 307
ISBN : 9780415346153


The Airline Industry is currently faced with its longest and deepest crisis to date: many of them are losing hundred of millions of US dollars, several have collapsed entirely, whilst others have had to be rescued by their governments. This crisis has been precipitated by external shocks such as the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, the invasion of Iraq and the SARs epidemic. However, in addition to this, the effect of these events has been exacerbated by dynamic and potentially destabilising internal developments.

Comprehensive and thorough, this revealing book gives a detailed analysis of the crucial events and key developments which have impacted, and will continue to impact on the dynamics of the airline industry. Special attention is paid to:

  • the key challenges faced by the airlines such as continued liberalization and ‘open skies’
  • the impacts of global alliances
  • new low-cost and no-frills carriers
  • on-line selling and distribution
  • privatization
  • the impact of disasters.

Leading industry authority Rigas Doganis examines the future prospects for the changing airline business and assesses alternative policies which could help the sector adapt to the shifting marketplace. Ideal for students, researchers and professionals in the fields of economics and business, industry and transportation studies, this second edition of his definitive book brings the story right up to date.

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