Aircraft Digital Electronic & Computer Systems



Aircraft Digital Electronic & Computer Systems: Principles, Operations & Maintenance

Author : Mike Tooley
Year : 2007
BookType : Paperback
Pages : 192
ISBN : 9788131220467

Aircraft Digital Electronic & Computer Systems (English) by Mike Tooley.


Aircraft Digital Electronic & Computer Systems

The Aircraft Engineering Principles and Practice Series provides students, apprentices and practicing aerospace professionals with the definitive resources to advance their aircraft engineering maintenance studies and career. This book provides an introduction to the principles of communications and navigation systems. It is written for anyone pursuing a career in aircraft maintenance engineering or a related aerospace engineering discipline, and in particular will be suitable for those studying for licensed aircraft maintenance engineer status as part of an EASA or FAR-147 approved course or taking City and Guilds aeronautical engineering courses, EDEXCEL National Units, EDEXCEL Higher National. Units or a Degree in aircraft engineering.

* Covers the essential principles & knowledge base required by Airframe & Propulsion (A&P) Mechanics for Modules 5, 11 and 13 of the EASA Part-66 syllabus & BTEC National awards in aerospace engineering * Self-test questions, exercises & multiple choice questions to enhance learning for both independent & tutor-assisted study * Online image bank for use in lectures & teaching materials.

About the Author

Mike Tooley has over 30 years of teaching electrical principles, electronics and avionics to engineers and technicians, previously as Head of Department of Engineering and Vice Principal at Brooklands College in Surrey, UK, and currently works as a consultant and freelance technical author.

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