Aerodynamics Naval Aviators



Aerodynamics Naval Aviators

Author : U.S. Navy
Year : 2012
BookType : Paperback
Pages : 416
ISBN : 9781619540170


Aerodynamics Naval Aviators

This textbook presents the elements of applied aerodynamics and aeronautical engineering. Which relate directly to flight training and general flight operations. Originally published by the U.S. Navy.

The purpose of this textbook is to present the elements of applied aerodynamics and aeronautical engineering.They relate directly to the problems of flying operations. All Naval Aviators possess a natural interest in the basic aerodynamic factors which affect the performance of all aircraft. Due to the increasing complexity of modern aircraft, this natural interest must be applied to develop a sound understanding of basic engineering principles. And an appreciation of some of the more advanced problems of aerodynamics and engineering. The safety and effectiveness of flying operations will depend greatly on the understanding and appreciation of how and why an airplane flies. The principles of aerodynamics will provide the foundations for developing exacting and precise flying techniques and operational procedures.

The content of this textbook has been arranged to provide as complete as possible a reference for all phases of flying in Naval Aviation. Hence, the text material is applicable to the problems of flight training, transition training, and general flying operations. The manner of presentation throughout the text has been designed to provide the elements of both theory and application and will allow either directed or unassisted study. As a result, the text material’will be applicable to supplement formal class Iectures and briefings and provide reading material as a background for training and flying operations.

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