Aerodynamics – by L J Clancy-Year 2006


Aerodynamics – by L J Clancy-Year 2006


Aerodynamics – by L J Clancy

Author : L J Clancy
Year : 2006
Book Type : Paperback
Pages : 610
ISBN : 9788175980570

Publisher: Himalaya Publishing House

Aerodynamics – by L J Clancy

The Product of the authors many years experience as a teacher of aerodynamics, this book will fill the need for a comprehensive and up-to-date text for first degree students studying aeronautical or mechanical engineering. Its attractive presentation also makes it suitable for student pilots, technicians and those studying the subject below degree level. The Book covers fundamentals and applications and both low-speed and high speed aerodynamics. The author has not sacrificed mathematical rigour in order to simplify-instead, explanation has been clarified by including, wherever possible, physical description of the various phenomena side by side with analytical treatments. A special feature is the large number of simple diagrams, closely keyed to the text, which present information in an easy digested from but without oversimplification.

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