Let’s Build Airplanes and Rockets!
Author | : Dr. Ben P. Millspaugh |
Year | : 1996 |
BookType | : Paperback |
ISBN | : 9780070429529 |
Let’s Build Airplanes and Rockets! (English) by Dr. Ben P. Millspaugh
Let’s Build Airplanes and Rockets!
Each chapter is devoted to learning about and building a working model of one aircraft from each period in the evolution of aviation. Across-the-curriculum activities are also included. Improving creativity and attachment towards Aviation/Aircraft. Emphasizing on basics of creation of airplanes and explaining the development process through time this book is good knowledgeable stuff.
Provides straightforward directions for children to build history-making aircraft and spacecraft, using inexpensive, safe materials. Projects include constructing a kite, a working model of a hot air balloon, a hand glider, and rockets. These aim to let children make their own aerospace history.
Let’s build the Montgolfier balloon; let’s build Cayley’s glider; let’s build Lilienthal’s glider; let’s build the Wright flyer; let’s build th espirit of St Louis; let’s build Sikorsky’s helicopter; let’s build the X-1; let’s build the X-15; let’s build the Voyager; let’s build the Saturn; let’s build the shuttle; sources and resources for everything that flies.
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